Thursday, September 24, 2009

Traffic Jam

If you wake me from a deep sleep and ask me- “Tell me one thing you hate the most?”. My spontaneous answer would be- Traffic Jam!!! I never want to use the word ‘Hate” in my life but this one I am just not able to stand!!!

Many a times you get stranded on the streets waiting, sometimes even hours, due to traffic jam. Some of us getting late to office, school or even missing a flight. I assume whatever be the situation; it just makes you lose your patience.

Yesterday I was struck in a traffic jam for say thirty minutes. Well protected from the sun in an air conditioned car and with some nice songs on, but I was not able to relax. In fact, I was not in a hurry too. If there is an unavoidable reason for the traffic, well still I would not prefer it- for that matter no one does- I can atleast try put up with it.

Most of the times it is due to some political party working on a banner right in the middle of a road or some so called VIP’s entry or even worse is digging a main road, which seemed to be pretty normal last evening you passed by! Even worse is working on the school zone road during peak hours! If it is none of these, then it is some insane person parking in a wrong place creating a nuisance to everyone.

I am sure this gets on to the nerves for most of us. So atleast lets do whatever possible from our side to prevent or reduce these jams and make life a little better for ourselves and others!!

For things out of my control, let me attempt to take the positive side-Atleast I am not struck in the traffic with the sun directly striking on my head, adding to the fumes inside me !! And of all things I just need to get used to it or opt the choice of being locked indoors !! Well, in that case, the former is better.

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