Thursday, September 24, 2009

Take it Easy!

Were there not times when we wonder we have become complaining and the innocent happy smile replaced with a grim frown most of the days It is not surprising that we would not even have noticed it.

One day you stand in front of the mirror looking at the emerging white hair and start thinking how to get rid of it? Instead, if you put on a pleasing smile on your face, I bet no one would even notice the grey hair. You start worrying more about the future and forget to live the present..

If you look at a three year old, a mere straw or even a pencil is fascinating. And when we were in teens, little bit of window shopping or a movie with friends would make your day. A greeting card you get from a friend that you treasure so much or saving your pocket money to treat your friends- whatever it is- Every single moment was joyous and we did not make any attempt for it.

Today you have everything. You have a great job, latest car and all things you dreamed of. But still we are not content. You go to a movie with same dear friends but do you feel the same way? You shop without looking at the price tag and for every other occasion you have a treat either at office or with family! This was the life we wanted. Then what is the complaint about?

Have you noticed that it was never difficult to get ready with full spirits for a picnic that you longed for, at 4 am in the morning, while you curse to get up even at 6 am for your work? Was staying awake the whole night when your little one was not well ever a big deal? Was waiting the whole night for a call when your dear ones are away on a travel was strenuous? Lets look at the other side. If your boss asks you to work overnight, you fight for a comp off and when your office bus comes half an hour early to avoid the traffic, you curse everyone and sometimes even make a big deal out of it!!

So it is just the mind set that decides everything. Complaining and cribbing is not going to take us anywhere. If we spend few minutes thanking on all that we have and have dreamt of, we would not complain on few things that we may have missed in life!

And most of all, nothing is going to change the life we are destined to live. So why not make the best out it and live the present moment the best way we can. If we bring the childishness that is deep rooted within us, life is not going to be as stressful or complicated as it seems to be!

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