Sunday, November 1, 2009

Dream On..........

Dream- just the word puts my mind in a pleasant slumber. There were lots of times when I would get up in the morning with a fresh image of the dream I had the previous night. Sometimes I would continue the dream even after I wake up. A perfect way to describe day dreaming!!

Not always are they pleasant, they come in all categories – funny, scary and what not! Are they the result of my past incidents that are imprinted in the mind or daily happenings or the thoughts of future or just the impact of something I did last, like watching a movie just before I slept? I just don’t know.Sometimes I dream while half asleep as they go on very interesting and sometimes I wake up as if from a shock! Not sure if many of you experience the same or its just my jabbering mind that fails to rest even while it sleeps.

They are so realistic and in sync with my life that I sometime get confused whether it is real or was it a dream. If I try to recollect my exam days at school, with all eleventh hour preparation and burning midnight oil stuff, I used to hit the wake up alarm and continue completing my lesson while in dream. And then when I really wake up with the morning buzz, I realize -“Oh my god, I really have lot more and then hurry it up like a sprint, most of the times unfinished :) !” . Sounds funny when I think of it now!

There were also times when I would expect something from my dear ones (knowing that it would not happen !)and when I say that to them they just give a smile which has to be interepreted as –“DREAM ON….”, meaning that is never gonna happen!!

Did you read the recent headlines of a mystery man appearing in the dreams of many women- the picture of a man whom they have never met or seen in life? Thousands of people around the world claimed to have seen this face in their dreams. This makes dreams more interesting!!

So pondering more on dreams, I learnt another interesting fact. It is used to de-stress people. Wondering how? Researchers say one of the ways to destress ourselves is to spend atleast ten minutes dreaming consciously on things we like to do!! So I got an answer for all those who make fun of my day dreaming !

Now that dreaming has become a part of my chore, I think I might invest more time on taking a twist to it and see if it can make a positive or rather more meaningful impact to my life.

Few interesting reads, made me realize that consistent dreaming with intensity has made many people great achievers. It has been said that our intense desire on something, possess energy which is released every night as the mind falls asleep. When we get back to our conscious state, whatever has been imaged in our dream is reinforced in our mind.

So lets all dream and dream on!!. But then I don’t say just dreaming alone make it come true :))

Well, I should no more feel guilty dreaming I guess!! If it is light and pleasant then it is to de-stress, if it is a dream of strong desire, it may be a line to achievement!! Wow, what a perspective to think!! Well for people who dare to say “Just Dream on” to me- be watchful :))- for my dream may come true!!

I am not sure if this pondering on dreams was to justify my dreaming pleasure; but whatever said, I am happy with this analysis and wanted to share it with you!

1 comment:

  1. The post abt GOD as friend was really realistic. Great dear, Felt good after reading it.


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