Thursday, August 16, 2012

Miss you dear...

I can hear the next door bell ringing, footsteps in the neighborhood; I hear the voice of other people in the apartment. What is wrong? Looks strange for a mom with 2 kids..Is it not?

There is pin drop silence around me with my little girl sleeping next to me. Slowly I get up, feeling good and peaceful for the first ten minutes. I make my coffee sit in the couch relaxing with legs stretched. Is this not heavenly?

I get up clean the mess around the house and in half an hour I feel strange..lonely perhaps?

Yes dear, I am missing you…I miss screaming at you every ten minutes for annoying me..and you getting annoyed in turn..

What is cleaning ,without me screaming at you..””Navneeth, how many times I tell you….””and before I finish I get the reply “”ok MOM””…

What is having lunch without saying ””You are never going to change…If you eat so slow…””and I don’t have to complete…I get the reply  ÖK Mom’

I missed your little silly way to keep your lil sister engaged when I have my bath or busy in the kitchen..

I missed you when I had to open the lift in one hand while handling your little sisters’, gymnastics in the pram with the other hand.

I missed you when I had to open the apartment doors with the keys, again with your gymnastics sister..,

I missed screaming at you for watching the television serial in Dutch about which you had no clue of what is happening!!

Everything around me is incomplete and there is no flavor without you around..Its not just me ..its also you lil sister feeling the emptiness but unable to express..

It is 2:30 and I am all set to pick you up from the school darling ….

With enlightened spirit, I hug you and ask you how was your first day at the new school and you made my day with the answer “”Excellent..i loved it””

What more? Back again, let me pep up myself with all that I missed before you are off to school tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. We used to hate when school reopens after every summer holidays during childhood...I guess we hate even more now during motherhood :))) As you said that instant running towards you, clinging, hugging, missing and kissing when we pick them from school.....really makes each day more memorable. But trust me, he is growing, learning and having fun outside. Exploring his whole new world.


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