Thursday, October 8, 2009

Diwali shopping in T. Nagar!!

The festive season is on and the first thing that hits our mind is ---Yes! You guessed it right-Shopping! For people at Chennai, the word shopping on a festive season is complimented with the word crowd or you can say mob!

And when it is T.Nagar, I am running short of words! Though a whole lot of mega malls have been spread out around the city, people flock around this place like bees over the years. Even as we wonder what is so special here, we step into the crowd 

How much ever you plan in advance, you are the most fortunate if you have escaped the mob! There were days when only the branded shops were flooded but today, people don’t leave any shop. Hundreds of multistoried shops and each one of it are flooded with customers. Be it jewelry, clothing, footwear or for that matter a chat shop in the street corner!
Knowing all this, I set out shopping for some dresses for my family on Gandhi Jayanthi! Yes on a holiday!! I would say the crowd must have crossed the numbers, awaiting lord Balaji’s darshan at tirupathi on a Saturday! Mad rush! People just push you on the move and it is not surprising if you land up at a totally different place.

Successfully, I entered a not so popular garment shop with half the spirit of shopping gone after surviving the crowd. And to my wonder, even that was over flooded. Someone stamps on your feet, or just directly pushes you or snatches the dress you were looking at…That is not so ridiculous…Yes! there is no room for politeness, courtesy or etiquette! Customer service- That’s way too far to expect. Those irritable, tired faces- I definitely don’t blame them, rather pity them. They start off patiently showing every color and design and then realize the person is window shopping! If shopping for you is exhaustive, imagine their plight servicing the whole lot of people that too for extended hours.

So, if you are expecting all this then you are at the wrong place…Be a Roman when in Rome!!Do not hesitate to push someone or even forget all your so called etiquette to survive your shopping spree. Our sole mission is to shop!

If you get what you want then I would say- Mission accomplished! You can feel the pride equalizing winning a trophy on a sports day!

But then I must mention the excitement on these shoppers in spite of all this messing up! That what keeps the place on the move!! Never tiring and exploring!! Daring I would say :) ..Whatever said, it was an exhaustive experience for me and yet my mission was accomplished!!!

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