Monday, November 22, 2010

Great(or No?) Expecations

Any emotion has its root from expectations. Its rather a very commonly heard quote that “ No expectations, no disappointments”. I bet almost every one of us would have heard this atleast once and that too from the most dear ones who claim to care the most for us. I agree that is the greatest philosophy of life but then have they thought of the feasibility of this?

When you are seriously disappointed on something and someone says this to you, would we be in a position to understand this great philosophy? We either shout back at them or get all the more irritated or see them as GOD for enlightening you at the moment :).

I had always tried to give importance to this quote from those dear ones of me; after all they say this to make me happy. How would it be if I do a little logical pondering on it?
Here it goes…

Expectations get its origin the time we enter this world.

The doctor expects the child to cry as it is born…
A teacher expects a child to perform in the required manner….
Parents have certain expectations on their children….and there are so many such instances..

In any of these situation, if we use our favourite quote??? Fingers crossed :)))

If a mom questions a child on his low grade and the child uses this famous quote, will you be happy that he understood what life is all about??

OK….before you get wild on me,,,let me take this little closer….Does any relationship bloom without expectations? If we don’t have any expectations on anything at all, where is the human in us? Fulfilled expectations bring cheer and broken expectations bring sorrow. The two major pillars of emotion-happiness and sorrow- origin from expectations. How can we throw this out? If this emotion in us can be thrown so easily, wouldn't we be saints? We are all normal human beings controlled by emotions and the building block of emotions is expectations.

As any relationship blooms, the expectation rises and the strength of any bondage is in the attempt to understand and fulfill the expectations of our loved ones. Sometimes, we fail and that is natural. We can justify it and come to a compromise. Is there any spice in life if for the fear of disappointments, we stay away from expectations?

We are not insane to have tons of expectations from everyone and if we do so, then I join hands with the propagators of this quote. But certain expectations are justified and if they are not satisfied, we have every right to mourn about it, fight for it and settle it down and I am sure that will make us feel lot better and strengthen the bond than hearing and submitting ourselves to this quote.

Next time someone uses this, please think if it is really applicable. I do agree sometimes it holds true too…:)but please can we make it context sensitive?? :))


  1. enna panradu...avlo than...expectations illama onnume panna mudiade...:((...parva illa..may be andha maturity vanda expectations irukado??? :P...wat say..??

  2. thts wht even i am saying...expectations are not wrong,,,y aint ppl fulfilling justified expectations? the maturity u say is nothing but saintly maturity...doing ething without expectations and with a smile :)))...may b like u wht say?


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