Thursday, September 23, 2010

Shh....Gossip corner

“Shh...No Gossip" is something all of us hear at one point or the other but it is something all of us can’t resist. Sometimes, you do it as you want to do it, sometimes unintentionally you get involved in it. It even becomes ventilation from the stress we go through. Don’t you agree a quick gossip at a tea break on a busy day would make you feel better?

And who is gonna break the myth that only women are more inclined to gossips? If you closely observe even men enjoy listening to all the gossips but then with the disclaimer they are not for it. They do secretly enjoy it and they get so used to it that they may even sometime miss it, all the while not realizing it, or may be not accepting it. And yes, even they do gossip. May be the area of gossip may be on a little different perspective, which they claim it to be a healthy argument. Well, I would say that is also a gossip.

Gossip is not something always entitled to back biting and waste of time prevailingly targeted on the housewives of the family and is even criticized as an outcome of an idle mind. May be sometimes it is, as all other things, I feel there is also a good side to it.

Let me share some of the quick interesting gossips that i catch up with moms and elderly paati’s, while I wait for my child either at his play or at any of his classes. Some of them were quite interesting, funny as well as thought provoking. Here goes few…

1. Why women should be sent to in-laws house, when it is an established fact that no two women can get along. Had it been son’s going to in-laws place, most of the times they would be at office and mom and daughter are less likely to get into tiffs?

2. Really interesting tips on shopping, informative tips on all the classes in the neighborhood more updated than the newspapers, cooking tips and just for fun columns also add to this gossip corner.

Such gossips also give a broader perspective on different kind of people and opinions and yes, it is always a matter of choice on what kind of gossip you want to join in. I definitely don’t say to take them seriously, but feel they are not to be brand among the “No-No’s”. Such small gossips away from the routine tape recorded talks on kids or spouses or boss or your work is definitely a harmless stress buster.What say?

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm u r ryt:):) In fact gossips r d nly thing dat makes a conversation gng btwn frns:):)


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